The do’s and don’ts of planning your new business…
7 min readIntroduction
If you’re thinking of starting a new business, congratulations! When I set up my first company, I had no idea how much work it would be or how many sleepless nights I would spend worrying about every aspect of the venture. It’s hard work being an entrepreneur – but it’s also incredibly rewarding! You only get one shot at starting your own business and if you’re anything like me then you want to make sure that it works out as well as possible. So here are some tips on how to plan your new business by talking about what worked for me (and what didn’t).
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
When you’re starting a business, it’s easy to feel like you have to do everything yourself. You want your business to be successful and you want everyone who works with you to be able to trust that they can rely on your leadership skills. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years as an entrepreneur and leader, it’s that asking for help doesn’t make someone weak–it makes them smart!
It may seem daunting at first because it feels like admitting defeat or admitting that someone else knows more than us (which is often true). But in reality, asking for help shows strength and integrity because it shows that we’re willing to admit when we need help from others–and even better yet: those others might know something about our industry or market that could make our business even better than what we could do alone!
Do your research.
Do your research.
If you’re going to start a business, it’s important that you do your research. You need to know what types of businesses are already in the market and how they operate. You also need to learn about their customers–who they are, what they want from their product or service and how much they’re willing to pay for it. If there are competitors in your industry who have been in business longer than yours has been around (or even if there aren’t), find out what marketing strategies those companies use so that when it comes time for advertising campaigns or other promotional material such as brochures or flyers, yours will stand out from theirs.
Researching suppliers can help ensure quality control over products as well as reduce costs associated with production processes such as shipping fees by finding suppliers closer geographically than those used by larger corporations with nationwide distribution networks
Do talk to other people in the same business.
When you’re just starting out, it’s normal to feel like you’re in the dark. The best way to avoid this is by talking to people who have been where you are now. There are plenty of people who will be happy to help with advice and tips if they know that it’ll help someone else out there make the right decision for their business.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! You might think your question is stupid or silly–but chances are someone else has thought about it too! Plus, asking questions shows that you care about what goes into making a good product or service (which makes your customers happier).
If someone offers advice over email or social media but doesn’t seem like they really want an answer from another person…it might not be worth following up with them further on how they could improve their business plans themselves.”
Do think about how you can make your business stand out from the crowd.
You need to have a clear vision of what you want your business to be like, and how it will make people feel. You also need to think about what your business can offer that others can’t.
If there are already lots of similar businesses in the area, consider whether there is another way for your customers to get what they want from somewhere else (for example, by offering something different).
Think about whether there are any other ways that people could use or enjoy what’s currently available on the market – and if so, why aren’t they? Do they know about it? Would it be useful for them?
Don’t be too ambitious at first.
With all of the preparation that goes into launching your new business, it’s easy to get caught up in making it perfect. But don’t overlook the fact that most people start small and grow from there.
Don’t be afraid to fail! You will make mistakes along the way; this is part of learning how to run a business. Do not let fear hold you back from trying something new or taking risks; if something doesn’t work out exactly as planned, learn from it and move on quickly so that other opportunities aren’t lost forever because they’re waiting behind a closed door.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help either – there are plenty of resources out there for those who need them (like us!). We’ve compiled some tips below about how we’ve managed our own businesses over time:
Do get financial advice, but only if you can trust it.
The world of business is a tricky one, but if you’re not afraid to ask for help and do your research, then it can be easier than you think.
There are plenty of options out there when it comes to getting financial advice–and some are better than others! If you’re looking for an accountant or lawyer who understands what it takes for small businesses like yours to succeed, then look no further than our team at [insert name]. We’ve helped countless startups just like yours with everything from taxes and contracts all the way down through marketing strategies that will help people find out about your business before they even realize they want what you’re selling!
We know this because we’ve been doing this ourselves since [insert year]. In fact, if there’s anything else I could tell someone who wants their own business but doesn’t know where or how yet…it would probably be something along these lines:
Do find a legal adviser who is right for you.
While you may be tempted to go with the first lawyer you find, this is not always the best option. The right legal adviser can be invaluable in helping you plan out your business and make sure that everything is done correctly.
It’s important to find someone who is approachable and not intimidating, someone who you can trust and who will be honest with you. They should also have experience in your business area–like accounting or law–and be affordable!
Do market research, but don’t expect the answers to fall into your lap – they won’t!
Market research is a vital part of the process, but it doesn’t have all the answers.
When you’re trying to figure out how your product or service will fit into the market and what your target audience wants, you need as much information as possible. That’s where market research comes in: it helps you understand what your customers want from their products and services and how they use them.
But don’t expect this process to be straightforward or easy! While there are plenty of great tools available for conducting market research (like surveys), interpreting the results can be tricky–and sometimes misleading. This makes sense when we consider that people often don’t know what they want until someone shows them an example of it; at that point, their opinions may change based on personal preferences rather than facts about actual products or services available on the market today.
No matter what you do, start with a plan that makes sense and stick to it!
No matter what you do, start with a plan that makes sense and stick to it!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Do your research and talk to other people in the same business. Think about how you can make your business stand out from the crowd
There’s no right or wrong way to plan your business, but there are some things you can do to make the process easier. You need to find out what makes sense for you, but it’s worth remembering that most successful entrepreneurs started out with a plan and stuck to it!