This Will Change The Way You Watch Sports
4 min readIntroduction
The NBA has been one of the first sports leagues to adapt to the changing landscape of sports and entertainment. With so much content available online, it’s crucial that they cater to their fans by offering them more personalized experiences. The league recently announced a new streaming feature called Prism that will allow users to watch games on any device without having to pause or fast forward through commercials.
You can change the way you watch your favorite sports.
The only way to watch sports is the same way we’ve always done it: through a TV. But what if you’re not sitting on your couch in front of a giant television screen, but instead are using an app or streaming service like Netflix? What if you just want to watch something while doing other things?
And what if all this technology makes watching even better than ever before? That’s where ZOOM SCORE comes in. It’s an easy-to-use app that lets you zoom into any player on your device and get incredible detail about their stats and history—and it has everything from live games to highlights from previous seasons available for free!
The NBA has introduced a new video piece that will stream directly onto their game broadcasts.
The NBA has introduced a new video piece that will stream directly onto their game broadcasts. This is in addition to the pre-game and post-game shows, which have been doing this for years now.
The reason why they’re doing this? Because it’s become increasingly difficult for fans to watch games on TV or even on their computer or smartphone screens because of all the advertisements they see while they’re watching. The NBA wants to keep up with changing times and make sure that people are able to access sports content without having their experience be interrupted by ads every three minutes (or so).
The way this works is simple: you’ll go into your app/website where you get all your streaming services like Netflix, Hulu Plus or HBO Go; then when something goes down during an NBA game (like if there’s an injury), we’ll let you know about it through our social media channels before showing any visuals from within OUR OWN VIDEO SOURCE!
It’s called ‘Prism’ and it was designed with a goal of making the games more human and relatable.
Prism is a new streaming feature for the NBA that allows you to zoom in on individual players.
You can see their emotion, sweat and strain on their faces.
It’s like watching sports from the perspective of someone sitting next to you at a bar, except instead of watching ESPN or HBO, you’re getting all this information from people who are actually playing in the game!
The streaming can be viewed on any device, including Apple TV and Roku.
You can watch the game on any device, including Apple TV and Roku. The game will be available in HD on the internet so you don’t have to worry about quality.
It allows you to zoom in on individual players without having to pause the game.
You can see the faces and expressions of your favorite players on this screen, which means you’ll be able to see them in action. This is a new way to watch sports because it allows you to zoom in on individual players without having to pause the game. It’s also a great way for fans who aren’t diehard athletes but still want an immersive experience with their favorite team or athlete.
You might have already heard about this feature—it’s called “zoom-able” images and it was first introduced by ESPN earlier this year!
Sports are changing and they need to adapt to keep up with online audiences
Sports are changing and they need to adapt to keep up with online audiences. Sports fans want their sports on their phones, tablets and computers. They want access from anywhere at any time. They want entertainment that is relevant and engaging; content that keeps them interested in the game or event being played – not just during the game itself but throughout its entirety (including between innings).
Sports are also changing because of technology: smartphones have made it easier than ever before for people all over the world who aren’t attending an actual sporting event themselves (or even any type of sporting event) have access right away via social media platforms like Facebook Live or Twitter Moments etcetera which means everything we do online now has consequences offline too!
The future of sports media is bright, and we can’t wait to see what comes next. With the introduction of Prism, we hope that teams will begin to look at ways they can use technology like this in order to get closer to their fans.